Where there’s love, there’s fight. We may see many couple around us fight over small things. We sometimes don’t work according to our partner and they get upset over us.

This is common, almost everyone has gone through it. It’s ok to have an argument within you two, but don’t keep your partner upset for a long time. This can worsen the things.

Pour their heart out and find out different ways to make them feel happy.

Here are some tips to convince the ‘Love Of Your Life’ if they are upset over you-

1. Keep your ego aside and talk- Don’t let your ego come between the two of you. The main reason for splitting of many relationships is ‘Ego’. Take a step ahead and talk to your partner.

2. Apologize- Apologizing is a key factor. Many people forgive someone even if they just apologize. Get your partners favourite thing this will make them more happy.

3. Listen to them- Listening is one of the effective ways to deal with relationship problems. Giving them a patient ear will make them feel happy.

4. Give him/her a hug- Give your partner a sweet hug. This will solve almost every problem. Hold their hand and give a warm embrace instead of arguing.

5. Make them laugh- Humour has an important mark in a relationship. Sometimes just a laugh can solve many big problems.

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