Sushmita Sen, the acclaimed actress, has opened up about the distressing surge of online hate that targeted the LGBTQ+ community in the wake of the poster release for her upcoming film “Taali.” In an exclusive interview with News18, Sen shared her personal encounter with this negativity, shedding light on the crucial need for empathy and understanding in the age of digital communication.
Sen recounted the incident, stating, “The first poster of Taali that I had released had half my face and the clap. I remember that in the comment section, there were lots of nameless people as social media is full of, writing ‘chhakka (eunuch)’ repeatedly. I thought, how can they do that to me? I took it very personally because it was happening on my timeline.” Despite the offensive comments, Sen took a determined stand, blocking those individuals who were perpetuating negativity.
Embodying a role central to the film’s narrative, which delves into the life of transgender activist Gauri Sawant, Sen expressed her deep empathy for the LGBTQ+ community. “But it hit me that if that’s how it’s making me feel when I’m only portraying Gauri Sawant’s life, they’re living with it every breathing moment of their life,” she said, acknowledging the emotional toll of online hate.
Amidst the adversity and the grim reality of online hate, Sushmita Sen saw a silver lining. She expressed, “I thanked my stars that I had this opportunity to change this somehow. The only thing that god has given me and blessed my life with are people who love me with all their heart. I know this and I’ve known this for three decades now. I thought that if I can be a medium through which the love that people have for me can be passed on to a community that has longed and ached for it, they deserve to have it.”, as quoted by Hindustan Times.
Sen’s candid revelation highlights the critical importance of countering online hate and fostering inclusivity. Her words underscore the influential role that public figures like her play in championing positive change and spreading compassion across societal boundaries.