Varun Dhawan has sent fans into a frenzy with the announcement of his cameo in the upcoming film ‘Stree 2’, the sequel to the 2018 blockbuster. The actor took to Instagram to share a sneak peek of the new song ‘Khoobsurat,’ which features him alongside Shraddha Kapoor, who reprises her role from the original film. The song, set to release on August 9, promises to be a thrilling addition to the film’s soundtrack.

The ‘Khoobsurat’ song teaser showcases the undeniable chemistry between Dhawan and Kapoor, leaving fans eager for more. The caption accompanying the post, “Iss Stree ki khoobsurti ka kaun hai yeh naya aashiq? #Khoobsurat Song Out Tomorrow! #Stree2, the legend returns this Independence Day, August 15,” has only added to the excitement.

View Instagram Post 1: Varun Dhawan Confirms Cameo in 'Stree 2' with Sizzling New Song 'Khoobsurat' Featuring Shraddha Kapoor

This cameo appearance marks a fun trend of cross-appearances in Bollywood musicals. Shraddha Kapoor briefly appeared in Varun Dhawan’s 2022 film Bhediya in the song ‘Thumkeshwari.’ Now, it’s Dhawan’s turn to join Kapoor in her latest film’s soundtrack, generating immense buzz among fans.

‘Stree 2’, releasing on August 15, promises to blend humor and horror, making it a highly anticipated film in the Bollywood horror-comedy genre. With Varun Dhawan’s cameo and the sizzling new song ‘Khoobsurat,’ the film is expected to be a thrilling ride for audiences.

Varun Dhawan and Shraddha Kapoor’s collaboration has always been exciting, and their chemistry in ‘Khoobsurat’ is undeniable. Fans eagerly await the full song release and the film’s premiere, which is a treat for horror-comedy enthusiasts.

In conclusion, Varun Dhawan’s cameo in ‘Stree 2’ and the release of the ‘Khoobsurat’ song have generated immense excitement among fans. With its blend of humor and horror, ‘Stree 2’ is expected to be a blockbuster hit, and Dhawan’s appearance has only added to the anticipation.