ARMYs were left absolutely amazed seeing Jungkook’s workout routine leaving them to appreciate his core strength. Jungkook’s exercise routine consists of two elements: cardio and bodyweight exercises. However, a few times ago, when ARMY saw behind the clips of their latest episode, “BTS Run” they were shocked to notice the kind of workout Jungkook does to stay fit. In his workout list, he mentioned 20 pushups, 20 squats, 20 jump squats, 20 shoulder exercises, 20 mountain climbers, 10 plank shoulder blades, 15 burpees, 20 crunches, 20 leg raises, and 20 superman exercises. Jungkook thereby proved to be an inspiration for many.

Jungkook knows that body shape and physique are made in both the kitchen and the gym and so apart from his strict workout plan he follows a balanced diet plan too. Jungkook eats three meals a day; breakfast being most important with a light snack to ensure that he gets all his nutrients. He also focuses chiefly on protein, making smart dieting decisions that even you can incorporate into your own life. Jungkook incorporates whole grains and proteins into his breakfast. He also includes mouthful juice for a mineral-rich and hydrating start to the day.

To maintain a rigid diet, Jungkook mostly eats salad and stuff that is low in calories. To maintain a fine-featured physique, this pop star eats a balanced diet so that he could maintain his glossy face on the screen.