Alicia Keys is one of the big names when it comes to music in Hollywood. At the age of 12, she began composing music and singing at the age of 15. She gained worldwide recognition with her debut music album in ‘Songs in A Minor’ in 2001. With this, anyone can say her love for singing and music, but this is not the only thing she loves, she has a huge obsession with food and specifically ‘Grilled Fishes’.

Alicia Keys and her Obsession with Grilled Fishes, Details Inside! 766529

In one of her interviews, she shared her routine eating habits and workout regime. Alicia says she began eating more consciously after watching the documentary ‘Food’. Alicia says her healthy lifestyle also includes a regular workout regimen.

Alicia Keys has revealed in an interview that she can’t eat fast food. “No fast food!” she said. She has openly expressed her love for Grilled Fish along with different food items. Keys admitted that her weakness is “Warm soft delicious bread” but still takes effort to eat healthily.

“I love making fresh almond milk, I love grilled fish, and I love aloe vera in my drinks,” she said. “I’ve loved spinach ever since I was little. I love all kinds of food, but I love food that makes me feel good afterward”. 

Alicia Keys and her Obsession with Grilled Fishes, Details Inside! 766527

She added “I’ve been a healthy eater for a while. My friend’s father had this incredibly candid conversation with me about food when I was about 12 and that changed everything.”

Thus, her fans can take inspiration from their idol, how to love food but to have a balance between any food and healthy food.