Every cricketer faces a comparison to the other cricketer by the audience. And so does Virat Kohli; he is often labeled the successor of Sachin Tendulkar. Though the cricketer is one of the best performers, the audience often makes comparisons. Recently Virat Kohli shared his opinion on being compared to Sachin Tendulkar once again.

Virat Kohli said, “And being constantly being compared to him, it’s embarrassing for me. Because, I mean, I can understand where people come from and stats and numbers tell you one thing. But the impact a person leaves on you to watch him play as a child, there is a different feeling emerge. For him and Web Richard, they should not be compared to anyone. And why I say this because, they revolutionized the era in their time.”

Also, he expressed what he thinks of Sachin Tendulkar, “For me, Sachin Paaji has always been an emotion. You speak to anyone they always looked at him as one of their own and that happens because there is so much faith everyone has in him, and in fact, when he was playing we used to feel comfortable. He is our source of inspiration and source of comfort which we all look for, when he used to score runs, life was good. It is like eating home food, you know the feel we get, the comfort.”

Virat Kohli also talked about the kind of impact Sachin Tendulkar has, “It is a very different kind of impact that he left on me. People who all like to enjoy comparing and stats, that is okay. I am just happy that in whatever way people see it, I have been able to carry that expectation forward. I can nurture and keep continuing to provide Indian cricket, and I know contributions are important and I feel honored to be in this position. I take a lot of pride in that and I am just grateful that the transition was able to happen soon.”

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