One of the longest-running shows on TV, Kumkum Bhagya is going through a rough patch recently. With Ranbir and Prachi’s love story being interrupted by Ranbir’s family, Prachi and Ranbir are finding ways to cancel Ranbir’s engagement.

Kumkum Bhagya was initially based on the lives of Abhi and Pragya who still play the leads in the show portrayed by Shabbir Ahluwalia and Sriti Jha. The new generation couple Ranbir and Prachi are played by Krishna Kaul and Mugdha Chaphekar.

Both the couples, Abhi-Pragya and Ranbir-Prachi gave a powerful performance with their amazing chemistry and showed us that even after going through many problems and facing difficulties, they still care for each other. Following the footsteps of Abhi and Pragya, Ranbir and Mugdha are becoming a favorite couple of Zee TV.

Now, if you see Abhi and Pragya closely, Abhi being a Rockstar is seen all the time wearing casual and dapper looks while Pragya is most of the time seen in designer sarees. But their real-life is a lot different from this and while scrolling the fan page of Abhi-Pragya, we found their look in striped pants.

Both Shabbir and Sriti were seen wearing the same color striped pants. To add more, the pant looked stylish to the point as it was full black and had white stripes on it. Shabbir wore the pants with a black casual shirt while Sriti wore a pink top with striped pants. wishes Shabbir Ahluwalia and Sriti Jha good luck for their future endeavors!