Dabangii Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi spoiler: Arya loses Nanhe Police Officer competition

Following Arya's loss in the Nanhe Police Officer competition, the announcement of her visit to Sudhar Ghar left her filled with emotions as she boarded the bus in Sony TV's show Dabangii Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi.

Dabangii Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi spoiler: Arya loses Nanhe Police Officer competition 879316

Sony Entertainment Television has brought forth a gripping narrative in their latest offering, Dabangii Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi produced by Herumb Khot and Nilanjana Purkayasstha under Invictus T Mediaworks. As seen so far, Ankush asserts to Arya that in contemporary times, women stand shoulder to shoulder with men. Motivated by Ankush’s words, Arya resolves to participate and excel in the Nanha Policewala competition to substantiate this claim.

Amidst the competition, Arya engages in a spirited exchange of challenges with Tanmay, culminating in a riddle-solving face-off. Arya successfully unravels the enigma, eliciting joy from Ankush and discontent from Satya. Arya and her team is supposed to not talk to anyone during the game but a samosa seller comes and the team talks to the salesman. Soon, Arya’s team faces the consequences as they get a penalty. Meanwhile, the other team goes to find the clue of another riddle. Arya manages to find the answer to the riddle but is forced to stay silent because of the penalty.

In the coming episode, following Arya’s loss in the Nanhe Police Officer competition, the announcement of her visit to Sudhar Ghar left her filled with emotions as she boarded the bus. Despite Ankush’s earnest efforts to dissuade her, Satya couldn’t conceal his satisfaction with the turn of events.

The show introduces us to Arya, portrayed brilliantly by Maahi Bhadra. Satya is played with compelling charisma by Aamir Dalvi. Her mother, Chhaya, is portrayed by Sai Deodhar.

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Manisha Suthar: Demure yet dynamic, Manisha Suthar is a perfect blend of professionalism and right values. Hungry for news with the aptitude to network, Manisha inspires juniors and supports seniors. A mass media graduate, she believes in breaking stereotypes and carving a niche of her own. When not busy penning, she likes to sing, dance and make merry.