Kundali Bhagya, the Zee TV show produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms, viewers have seen nail-biting drama revolving around Nidhi’s cunning plan to eliminate Preeta (Shraddha Arya) from the Luthra house. Karan (Shakti Anand) expresses gratitude to Preeta for returning to his house, and he requests that she stay in the house. On the other hand, Nidhi decides to kill Preeta, and she goes to kill her at midnight and tries to choke her.

In the upcoming episode, Shaurya (Baseer Ali) becomes angry with everyone, upon which Preeta says that she is thinking about the good for Shaurya. Kareena taunts Preeta, saying that she should think good about herself right now. On the other hand, Rakhi consoles Preeta that Shaurya is a different kind of person and his world is different, but slowly, he will come to their world. She highlights that Preeta’s love will bring him on the right path, which leaves Nidhi distressed. At the same time, Karan appreciates Rakhi’s good words.

Later, Nidhi confronts Shaurya, who packs his bag to leave the house and stay away. Shaurya tells Nidhi that his housemates want him to get married to Shanaya, who is not his type of girl. Shaurya announces that he will never marry her, creating a difficult situation for Nidhi.

Will Nidhi be able to convince Shaurya for the married to Shanaya?

Starring Paras Kalnawat, Adrija Roy, and Baseer Ali as the second-generation leads, the show chronicles the love story of Shraddha Arya and Shakti Anand (first-generation leads), filled with ups and downs. Karan and Preeta are separate as Preeta lost her memory; it will be interesting to see how things will turn out to bring them back together.