Sony SAB’s light-hearted slice of life show Tera Yaar Hoon Main has kept the audience hooked to the show with its appealing and engaging storyline. The episodes will take an exciting return when Daljeet (Sayantani Ghosh) and Rajeev (Ssudeep Sahir) take a lie-detector test of Lakshya (Sagar Parekh).
As the story progresses, Daljeet is stunned to witness Lakshya meeting Shakti (Mohit Daga) and gets paranoid about his intention towards Trishala (Neeharika Roy). On the other side, Rajeev is sure about Lakshya and invites his family the very next day to see Trishala and talk about their marriage. Contrary to which Daljeet gets tensed and sets a trap for Lakshya and plans to meet him. Rajeev overhears this and join hands with Daljeet to find out the truth of the matter. Both decide to meet Lakshya next day and Daljeet spikes his drink, due to which he faints. The viewers will then witness Lakshya lying in an intoxicated state on bed, tied to number of wires and a doctor conducting his lie-detector test and confront him when he wakes up.
Will Daljeet’s fear of Lakshya’s evil intention turn true? Or will the lie-detecting test prove Lakshya innocent?
Sayantani Ghosh, essaying the role of Daljeet said, “Playing the character of Daljeet has given me an opportunity to experience the fear that a mother goes through. While Daljeet stood against Rajeev for Trishala’s happiness, she is now furious as she witnesses Lakshya talking to Shakti and has taken this drastic step of lie-detector test of Lakshya. The upcoming episodes will be interesting for the viewers when the truth will finally be revealed and there are many twists and turns waiting for the audience in the upcoming episodes.”
Sagar Parekh, essaying the role of Lakshya said, “For me, this is a great learning experience and each day on the sets help me improve my acting skills. It is a tough phase for Lakshya in the show as everybody has misunderstandings against him, and he must prove himself innocent. It will be interesting for the viewers to witness an engaging twist in the story with each passing episode and we hope our audience keeps enjoying what we bring for them. “