The StarPlus show Jhanak, which stars Hiba Nawab as Jhanak, Krushal Ahuja as Aniruddh, and Chandni Sharma as Arshi in lead roles, has become a favorite of many. Magic Moments Motion Pictures produces it. Check out the written update of episode 262, airing on August 8, 2024.

In today’s episode, Jhanak (Hiba Nawab) sits in the auditorium, and the dance competition starts, where the other participants showcase their talents with the utmost effort. She feels uneasy when Rudra announces that Jhanak will be the next performer. When the anchor announces Jhanak’s name, Aniruddha (Krushal Ahuja) and Srishti are surprised. When she takes the stage, Jhanak delivers her best performance, which amazes Aniruddha. Her breathtaking performance surprises everyone again, leading the judges to rise from their chairs and applaud her.

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The audience are happy with Jhanak’s performance, and Rudra applauded for her talent. However, when Srishti asked about her experience with Jhanak, she did not praise her talent. Instead, she criticized the song, stating it was too easy to perform. Srishti also mentioned that the background dancers and the catchy song enhanced the performance. Despite other judges supporting Jhanak, Srishti asked her to dance according to her demands.

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In the next scene, Srishti makes Jhanak dance to Srishti’s song, and she kills with her performance, but suddenly, she falls on the stage while dancing because she drank poisonous water. Suddenly, Rudra runs towards her, and Aniruddha is willing to go, but Arshi (Chandni Sharma) suddenly stops him from going near Jhanak and comments on it.

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Later, everyone sees that the foam is coming out of her mouth; Srishti says that she had taken drugs, and it became an overdose for her, and harshly comments on Jhanak’s character. End.

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Credit: Disney+ Hotstar
Please watch this episode on StarPlus.