Kumkum Bhagya Written Update S-01 Ep-2173 14th July 2022: Ranbir helps Rhea from the attack

Kumkum Bhagya Written Update S-01 Ep-2173 14th July 2022: When Alia causes the fasteners near the barrier to come loose, it collapses on Rhea. Ranbir saves Rhea. Prachi is asked by Alia not to touch Rhea.

In Kumkum Bhagya, Pallavi approaches Vikram when he is drinking. Talking to Pallavi is Vikram. Pallavi claims she is concerned about their current interaction. Pallavi begs Vikram’s pardon. Vikram claims that he will pardon him if it was an error, but how can I pardon carelessness? Consider this forgiveness as my birthday gift, Pallavi says. Vikram departs. Prachi was stopped and spoken to by Ranbir. Don’t forget about her, advises Ranbir. Prachi warns against speaking to her in this way because he will eventually father Rhea’s unborn kid. Rhea tells Alia that the time is now, and she calls for everyone to come with her as she makes a phone call.

Then in Kumkum Bhagya, Prachi and Ranbir converse. Prachi queries what he is doing to facilitate their relationship. Ranbir claims that by harming you and another person who is very dear to him, he is hurting himself. This is what you shouldn’t do, according to Prachi. You should respect the individuals you are harming. I don’t want to be someone who causes strife within your family. Alia is asked by Rhea to place Prachi behind the wall. The picture, says Alia to the waiter, “fallen off.” We need to hang the artwork there, the waiter goes and tells Prachi. Prachi promises to carry it through. the moment Prachi hangs the picture. When Alia causes the fasteners near the barrier to come loose, it collapses on Rhea. Saving Rhea is Ranbir. Prachi is asked by Alia not to touch Rhea. Alia accuses Prachi.

Later in Kumkum Bhagya, Prachi questions why she plans to do it. Alia claims that you are envious of Rhea since she is receiving everyone’s adoration as a result of her pregnancy. Prachi, according to Ranbir, can never think that way. Rhea tells him to stop, and I get the impression that she has an issue with my son. Ngo women arrive and inquire with Alia as to why they are shocked. Alia claims that Prachi threw this ornamented wall in an attempt to kill Rhea’s infant. She is mistaken, claims Ranbir. To view the CCTV footage, Alia requests Mauva to contact the security team. Shahana claims that she is also at fault. Alia prevents her.

Ranbir received a pen drive with video from the security supervisor in Kumkum Bhagya. He does so. Everyone is startled as they see Prachi close to the wall. Prachi is the perpetrator, Rhea smirks before stating. According to Alia, I witnessed her doing it, and the video demonstrates her crime. She committed it to harm Rhea and her unborn child. Prachi claims that she has tightened the photo frame’s screws. I concur with Alia Bua that you are jealous of me because I became pregnant, not you, and that you want me to lose this child so that you can have Ranbir and his family. Rhea claims that you are exposed with proof, so stop acting. How could she harm her sister, wonders Rhea? Ngo women said they regret helping Prachi and referring to her as Dayan. Prachi requests that they stop. She claims I informed Rhea of my departure. According to Rhea, you didn’t go. Prachi claims she took no action.

Lastly in Kumkum Bhagya, in the video, Pallavi enquiries as to her activities. I am painting, according to Prachi. If Prachi is aware that Rhea is on the opposite side, Pallavi would ask her. I know, though, replies Prachi. Pallavi claims that it’s good that you are exposed in front of everyone. I once believed you to be good, but you have since proven to be a poisonous snake. Prachi invites them to hear her rendition. They are urged to give Dida a chance. No one, according to Vikram, can defend her after seeing the video. If Prachi is pleased for Rhea and her child, why should I follow suit? Prachi is asked to leave the house by Pallavi, who also says that anyone who supports her is free to do the same.

Picture Credit- Zee5

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Sanroy Dabre: Whatever he does, wherever he goes, you'll always find him writing something, as if making notes. You can name him 'a person with a diary'