The Cold Coffee Cake recipe is noted as one of the most popular recipes from Pakistani cuisine. Every dining table is incomplete without presenting a delicious and aromatic Cold Coffee Cake recipe. This Cold Coffee Cake recipe is perfect in taste and can be great to taste for family get-togethers and quick desserts. Cold Coffee Cake recipe by which you can make Cold Coffee Cake easily anywhere and with the available ingredients.

Let’s have a look at the recipe:

2 cup milk, 2 tsp coffee, 2 tbsp sugar or to taste, 1 packet 200 ml cream, 2 tbsp caster sugar, 1tbspn Cocoa powder, 2-3 rolls Candy biscuits.

For Garnishing
Chocolate chips as required, Coconut powder, Cream, Cocoa powder, or coffee powder for sprinkling.

Preparation time: 30 minutes

In a pan, add milk, instant coffee, and sugar, whisk it well and let it combine, bring it to boil and cool off & set aside.

In a bowl, add cream, caster sugar or condensed milk, cocoa powder, whisk vigorously & set it aside.

Now dip the biscuit one by one through the coffee and milk mixture and let it absorb the liquid then set it into a serving dish forming a bed of layered biscuits.

On a wet layer of biscuits, add a layer of creamy mix we prepared earlier.

Spread coconut powder and chocolate chips in the middle layers as well, or you can skip this step.

Repeat the layers alternatively until you reach the rim of the serving dish and then add the garnishing.

Garnish with cream, coconut powder, chocolate chips, and coffee powder and freeze it for 3-4 hours & serve & enjoy!!