For your overall health, exercise and yogasana play an important role. Yogasana is good for your various illnesses. The ideal way to gain weight is through a healthy and nutrient dense diet and exercise. Yoga is also highly suggested for weight gain. Here we look at 5 yoga asanas and healthy foods to gain weight.
1) VAJRASANA.This is an effective yogasana for numerous health issues as well as for gaining weight, as this asana improves blood circulation, appetite, and digestion. Sit on the floor with your legs folded, straight spine, and eyes closed. By keeping your palm on your knees and inhaling and exhaling gently. Work to be in this state for a longer time.
2) PAWANMUKTASANA. This is an effective exercise for improving digestion and rectifies digestive problems. Lie on your back and stretch your feet. Slowly fold your knees and clasp them with your hand. Inhale and while exhaling pull your knees close to your chest.
3) MATSYASANA.This yogasana is good for the absorption of nutrients and it helps to improve your digestive method. Lie on your back with feet together, bring your hands under your buttocks. By pressing elbows on the floor, arch your spine and tilt your head backward. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat.
4) SARVANGASANA. Lie in the prone position, exhale, and while inhaling lift your legs perpendicular to the ground. Support your waist by keeping your hands on your waist. Hold this position for about a minute and come back to the start position while exhaling.

5) BHUJANGASANA. Lie on the stomach, legs together, heels close to each other. Keep palms beneath your shoulder. Inhale and lift your head to view upwards, hold, exhale and come back to the starting position.
Along with those asanas, healthy and nutritious food is helpful for weight gain. Including healthy foods like nuts, dry fruits, fruits, dry snacks like roasted chana is very helpful in gaining weight. Also add fiber-rich food, vegetables, and meats. Increase protein intake to take care of your weight gain.
Those were five asanas and healthy foods to gain weight.