We all need to take a break now and then to rest and refresh our minds, bodies, and spirits. Taking a break and resting is a terrific approach to boost productivity because when you return to work, you’ll be brimming with new ideas and renewed energy to overcome obstacles and move forward.

Here’s list of things you could do to relax & De-stress

1. Engage in some soothing yoga asanas.

There are numerous easy yoga asanas that can be extremely calming to the mind and body, such as Balasana (Child posture) and Makarasana (Crocodile pose), Cat-Cow pose, and Legs up the wall pose. Simply pick a stance that you are comfortable with and hold it for 2 to 3 minutes.

2. Relax by listening to soothing music

The appropriate music might help you forget about your concerns. Make a playlist of your favourite stress-relieving songs and listen to it whenever you’re feeling down.

3. Take some time to meditate.

Dim the lights, take a seat alone, and concentrate on your breathing. Feel the rhythm of your heart. Observe your thoughts and the thoughts that arise in your head. Recognize that your thoughts are not you. Allow your thoughts to drift away.

4. Go for a walk in nature

Early in the morning, when the air is still fresh, go for a thoughtful walk. Be aware of every step you take, as well as the sights, sounds, and odours you encounter. Allow yourself to be carried away by the experience.

5. Take in the sunrise.

Find a spot where you can easily see the sunrise and spend a few minutes there, preferably barefooted, watching the sun rise. The early sun energises you and instils in you an optimistic attitude. Spend a few minutes in the morning sun if you have the opportunity. Vitamin D improves circulation by relaxing blood vessels.

6. Take a shower, either hot or cold.

A contrast shower, often known as a hot/cold shower, may be immensely calming for both the mind and body. Repeat the cycle three to four times, starting with a hot shower and ending with a cold shower. Fitness experts and sportsmen use contrast baths to relieve muscle soreness and weariness.

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