Everyone likes sculpted jawlines. To achieve it, the double chin issue is the biggest hurdle. Many people are facing double chin issues. A double chin also known as submental fat is a common condition that occurs when layering of fat forms below the chin. Here we look at how to get rid of this issue by doing a few exercises. Hopefully, this will help you to get a sculpted jawline.

Sit in any comfortable position. Keep back straight. Tilt your head back and look towards the ceiling. Push your lower jaw forward to feel a stretch under the chin. Hold it for a few seconds and back to normal position. Repeat 5 times or more for better results. This is considered to be an effective exercise for the double chin.

Sit comfortably.
Place a 9-10 inch ball under your chin. Press the chin down against the ball. Repeat daily 25-30 times. Frequently doing this exercise will help you to get rid of the double chin issue.

Sit comfortably. Looking straight ahead, stick your tongue out as far as you can. Lift your tongue upwards and towards the nose. Hold for a few seconds and release. This is also a good exercise for a double chin and sculpted jawline.

Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Hold for a few seconds and release.

Sit in a comfortable position. Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Turn your head to the right. Slide your bottom jaw outwards. Hold for a few seconds and release. Repeat it many times for better results.

All these above exercises will help you to get rid of the double chin problem and will help you to achieve a sculpted jawline.

Source – healthline.com

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