Indian television show Bhagya Lakshmi on Zee TV, produced by Balaji Telefilms, is among the most popular shows. According to the plot, Oberoi house is decorated to celebrate Rohan’s birthday, who has also invited Paro and Lakshmi. While Rishi is at the party, he reveals to Lakshmi that he knows Paro’s full name, Parvati, hinting Rishi has learned the truth about Paro’s father. However, Lakshmi ignores him. On the other hand, Malishka plans a new conspiracy.

In the upcoming episode, Malishka plans a new conspiracy against Paro while everyone is busy celebrating. She brings the birthday cake and asks Neelam to pose with it. Malishka has hooked Paro’s doll in the wall made for the birthday celebration, where Neelam stands to pose. She makes Paro take that doll so that the wall falls on Neelam, and the blame goes to Paro.

As the plan unfolds, the wall comes crashing down on Neelam, and Malishka captures this as ‘proof ‘. Neelam, filled with anger, files a complaint against Paro. Malishka’s words are designed to provoke and make Neelam feel furious. Meanwhile, Lakshmi, deeply worried about Paro, contemplates taking the blame upon herself. The audience will be drawn into this emotional rollercoaster, wondering what new drama will unfold.

Bhagya Lakshmi is the gripping tale of Lakshmi, a young woman whose life takes a dramatic turn after her marriage to businessman Rishi Oberoi. Her world shatters when she discovers the truth about her marriage and Rishi’s girlfriend. Now, Rishi and Lakshmi find themselves separated. The audience will be left wondering, will destiny play its part in bringing them back together?