Junooniyatt, the Colors show produced by Sargun Mehta and Ravi Dubey under the banner of Dreamiyata Entertainment, has seen major drama in recent episodes. As per the plot, Jahaan (Ankit Gupta) brings Elahi home and asks her to confess her truth to everyone but is shocked to see the surprise that Jordan (Gautam Vig) has planned for Elahi. He reveals about her first live show which makes Elahi (Neha Rana) emotional. Soon, Elahi changes her statement and scolds Jahaan for spreading the wrong news and humiliating her husband Jordan. Jahaan is shocked by Elahi’s reaction.

Elahi’s world gets filled with hope and happiness as she believes in Jordan’s newfound honesty, thinking he is genuinely helping her achieve her dream of becoming a singer. She prepares to make a significant sacrifice for this trust. However, the cruel twist of fate arrives when Jordan confides in Maheep about his ulterior motives. He reveals that once Jahaan marries Sirat, he will teach a lesson to Elahi. The shocking revelation overheard by Elahi leaves her utterly stunned.

In the coming episode, Elahi plans a surprise party for Jordan to teach him a lesson. She pretends to hurt her feet and hands, getting Jordan involved in party preparations. Jahaan becomes suspicious of her intentions but doesn’t confront her. During the party, Jordan’s friends try to provoke him, but he remains calm. Elahi announces that Jordan prepared all the food and praises his changed behaviour. Jordan’s friends attempt a water challenge, hoping to make him lose his temper, but Maheep intervenes.

Junooniyatt Ep 171 9th October 2023 Written Episode Update

Jordan reveals that once Jahaan marries Sirat, he will teach a lesson to Elahi. The shocking revelation overheard by Elahi leaves her utterly stunned.

Will Jordan’s anger come out in front of everyone in the party?