Zee TV‘s popular show Kundali Bhagya, produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms, the audience sees the major drama with a gripping story of Karan (Shakti Anand) and Preeta (Shraddha Arya). After Karan announced Rajveer (Paras Kalnawat) as the new CEO, Shaurya (Baseer Ali) and Nidhi were shocked. Shaurya leaves the party without saying anything in anger, and Preeta runs after him, but Nidhi warns her and asks her to stay away from her son. On the other hand, Preeta confronts Karan about his decision and breaks Shaurya’s heart. But Karan reveals that Shaurya is incapable of handling the responsibilities. In contrast, the Luthra family congratulates Rajveer for the new journey.
In the upcoming episode, Nidhi announces that only Shaurya is the CEO for her, but Karan intervenes and says that her opinion doesn’t matter as he has decided that Rajveer will take on the responsibilities. Later, the Luthra family, with Rajveer and Preeta, head to the outhouse, where Rakhi prohibits Preeta from entering the house and asks them to stop immediately, intensifying the scene. Everyone is shocked by Rakhi’s sudden reaction. Preeta and Rajveer look clueless, but Karan gets distressed. He questions Rakhi’s demand and asks why she is stopping Preeta from entering the house.
It will be interesting to see how Shaurya will react to Karan’s big decision and will Preeta and Karan will reunite?
Starring Paras Kalnawat, Adrija Roy, and Baseer Ali as the second-generation leads, the show chronicles the love story of Shraddha Arya and Shakti Anand (first-generation leads), filled with ups and downs.