Neerja Ek Nayi Pehchaan Update: Abeer sees Neerja’s dance

Neerja Ek Nayi Pehchaan the Colors show produced by Sunshine Productions will see Abeer finally seeing Neerja's real identity in the dance performance at the party.

Neerja Ek Nayi Pehchaan Update: Abeer sees Neerja's dance 857641

Neerja Ek Nayi Pehchaan the Colors show produced by Sudhir Sharma and Seema Sudhir’s Sunshine Productions has seen engaging drama with Neerja (Aastha Sharma) being dragged into her new responsibilities in Sonagachi, of saving her mother Protima (Sneha Wagh). As we know, Protima has been kept captive by Didun (Kamya Punjabi). Neerja got to know that Protima escaped from police custody. However, soon, Didun showed a video to Neerja in which her mother Protima’s life was in danger. We have written about Didun threatening to kill Protima. She asked Neerja to dance at a bachelorette event. We at have already written about the coming episodes exposing Neerja’s true identity before Abeer (Rajveer Singh).

And this will happen at the Bachelorette party where for the first time, Neerja will go, dressed in a skimpy, glam attire. The coming episode will see Abeer also being at the party. He will be seen singing at the party. Neerja who will be waiting for her turn to entertain the people assembled, will feel the presence of Abeer at the party. She will be hesitant to reach the dance floor, but will be forced to showcase a new image of hers with her dance.

Neerja will be seen dancing, and the announcement of her name and Neerja being from Sonagachi, will drag Abeer to witness the dance performance. Abeer will be shocked to see Neerja’s real face and identity. He will be pained to know that she is from Sonagachi and did all that she did only for the sake of money.

Neerja Ek Nayi Pehchaan Ep 84 2nd October Written Episode Update

Neerja got to know that the letter Abeer was carrying was the wrong one and that someone had interchanged it. Neerja got tense seeing Abeer’s aversion to the place Sonagachi and told herself not to seek any help from Abeer.

Will Neerja be able to tell the truth to Abeer?

Neerja Ek Nayi Pehchaan the Colors show produced by Sudhir Sharma and Seema Sudhir’s Sunshine Productions is the tale of a girl baby born in the lane of Sonagachi and the mother’s struggle to keep her daughter Neerja away from the ambience of the place where ladies earn as prostitutes. The show has Kamya Punjabi and Sneha Wagh playing main roles. The show has now taken the leap which has Rajveer Singh and Aastha Sharma playing the lead roles.

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Srividya Rajesh: Srividya Rajesh, Co Founder & Associate Editor at IWMBuzz, sleeps, eats and drinks news. With cheetah like pace and a Herculean heart, Srividya (called Sri lovingly by friends and fraternity) is undoubedtly the queen of breaking news and latest updates in the Indian television industry. With a career spanning over 12 years, Sri joined as a core member after heading editorial duties at India-forums. Operating from Chennai, Sri has her eyes and ears on movements in Mumbai. Fearless and fierce, Sri is a revered figure in the industry. Team leader, motivator and a go getter, Sri is the pillar in the editorial foundation at IWMBuzz and is responsible for smooth functioning of the news pipeline.