In Sony Sab’s popular show Vanshaj, produced by Siddharth Kumar Tewary, Rahul Kumar Tewary, and Gayatri Gill Tewary, the audience sees nail-biting twists in the lives of Yuvika (Anjali Tatrari), Yash (Shaleen Malhotra) and Neel (Mohit Kumar). Yuvika misses Neel, and she spends time with his belongings. On the other hand, Yash heads towards Mahajan house to meet Yuvika. On his way, Yash buys flowers for Yuvika. As Yash enters Mahajan house with a bouquet, Yuvika senses Neel’s presence and looks around. She sees Yash, feeling a mix of emotions. Yuvika leaves from there, tears in her eyes.

In the upcoming episode, Bhanu notices the differences between Yash and Yuvika, reflecting on Guruji’s prophecy about Yuvika’s life-changing and the significance of “Y.” Yuvika drives to a familiar chai tapri. She orders a chai but struggles to drink it. Nearby, the same young girl with polio watches her and advises her of the same words spoken by Yash. Yuvika unknownly feels Neel’s presence. Processing Neel’s words, tears streaming down her face. Yuvika, feeling a connection to Neel, holds the bouquet (mistakenly given by the Flower Lady), her expression shifting from sorrow to acceptance.

Later, Yash meets Dr. Rajan and asks him about the identity of his heart donor, but Dr Rajan keeps this confidential. However, Yash makes it clear to Dr. Rajan that he knows what kind of person Yash is and that he will find the truth anyhow. On the other hand, Yuvika comes to the hospital to take Yash’s death report. Yash starts to sense the presence of someone close nearby, and Yuvika feels the same as they walk toward each other, unaware of each other’s presence.