Yeh Hai Chahatein the Star Plus show produced by Balaji Telefilms has seen Rudraksh (Abrar Qazi) finding out about Mishka (Tanu Khan) being alive. Rudraksh in the coming episode will go to confront Mishka and will also believe that she faked the bomb blast. However, Mishka will convince him that the blast was real and will also show him her injuries.

But Rudraksh will not believe her story as his heart will tell him that there is more to it and that there is a possibility of his son Saransh (Yaya Bhasin) being alive.

Rudraksh will in the coming episodes involve Preesha (Sargun Kaur Luthra), and the two of them will be eager to know if Saransh is alive.

They will together unearth a big truth. They will get to know about Mishka booking three flight tickets to go abroad.

They will wonder who could the third ticket be for, with only Ahana being with Mishka.

Rudraksh will doubt that Saransh is with Mishka.


Is this the truth? Will Saransh return from the dead?