In today’s episode we can see that Rhea is the target of Ranbir’s rage. He reminds her of what he said on Vikram and Pallavi’s wedding anniversary. He tells her that he confessed his love for Prachi in front of Rhea. He recalls holding Prachi’s hand and telling her that she is his actual wife and that he adores her. Rhea confirms that she recalls it. He asks if she recalls this, and if she does, why would she sleep with him merely to spend a wedding night with him? Rhea is chastised by him for calling her love sincere and for lowering herself to this degree only to gain him. He informs her that she will never be able to say that she loves him again. He goes on to say that she has tarnished their ostensibly happy relationship.

Earlier in the merger episodes, Lakshmi informs Rishi that he admits to solely loving Malishka. She can’t believe his emotions in response to his comments. She asks Shahana what she will do if she is allowed to go after Rhea. Prachi adores Rhea, Shahana says, and she won’t allow her to do anything to her.

She goes on to say that Aaliya is much worse than Rhea. Balwinder threatens Aaliya with death until she apologises. Balwinder has received an apology from Rhea and Aaliya. He tells Aaliya that his mood is good because he met Lakshmi and that he is going to take Lakshmi, which is why Aaliya’s life is spared. He requests that they do not obstruct his work. He inquires as to who could assist him in locating Lakshmi. Malishka greets them and offers to assist them in their search for Lakshmi.