Sony Sab’s show Pushpa Impossible, produced by Jamnadas Majethia under Hats Off Productions, keeps the audience entertained with an interesting storyline. The show casts Karun Pandey Vaidya in the lead role. Check out the written update for the episode airing on 9 September 2024.
In the upcoming episode, Pushpa comes to the PTA meeting fearlessly and challenges Kotak by quoting various parent-student cases that are far more important to be addressed by the school administration than being concerned by one solitary incident of Rashi’s overdose, which, in any case, has been managed by Pushpa’s parenting.
Pushpa’s impressive examples help her win over Kotak by getting the support of her parents at the PTA. On the other hand, Ashwin requests an investor to give him some leeway and release his finances early as he has a loan to repay. He gets a chance to promote Rashi’s talent and take it up. Pushpa is worried, and she gets busy finding a donor for Nanavati sir while studying for her 12th exam.
Ashwin came up with a new idea to get an Ad for Rashi with one of his investors, who is promoting Celebrate Your PERSONA. The entire Pushpa family hatches a plan to get Rashi ready for the shoot. However, Rashi refuses, but the family convinces her, so she agrees. The shoot turns out to be a success, and Ashwin becomes happy, restoring Rashi’s confidence.
But at a distance, Pushpa receives a call from the bank, and she and Dipti are shocked to know that Ashwin has taken a loan of 50 lakh. Dipti’s financial situation is precarious in any case, and now, with this loan, the family is once again being sucked into an upcoming—financial battle.