In today’s episode we can see that Angoori tells Vibhuti , “You’re acting as if you had a lot of necklaces with you.” Anita tells Angoori, “You’re right, but he’s responsible for that.” She adds, “I’m also responsible for that,” and asks everyone not to lend him money because if you do, it will be your problem, not mine.” She also asks Vibhuti to come inside and cook breakfast. If you’re thinking this, Vibhuti says you’re right; he connects his hands and adds, “I urgently require 500 rupees, please give me money for mankind.” Okay, Anita replies, return the money and don’t give him any more. Vibhuti approaches her, compliments her on her singing, and then begins acting, saying, “I need money, please give it to me, and you will receive half of the blessings.” What are you saying, Angoori? Angoori hands him a plate and walks away.

Prem says on the phone, “Listen, you didn’t pay me money, therefore I closed your shop, Pappu Printing Press, and your shop will be mine until you pay me back.” Prem claims that he was born to help others; for example, I provided 3 lakh to one of my friends two years ago, and it has now grown to 5 lakh with interest, but he is still giving me money, so I closed his shop. Prem says you may take it if you want, but don’t print adult magazines or we’ll both be caught.

Rusa states in the market, “I’m not going to leave that person because he snatched my sandals and ran away.” I assumed he’d run, but he seized my sandal and ran away, I shouted wait, give me back my sandal, he said I’ll worship this sandal, Rusa says to Malkhan.