In today’s episode we can see that What are you saying, Tiwari? Tiwari says that you must teach Angoori, and that I will pay for it. Vibhuti replies, “What will you say if I provide food and housing for you for a month at 2000 rupees each day?” Vibhuti says, “Listen, this time Angoori has received a grant for teaching; all you have to do is go sit as pupils and ask questions about what I’ll tell you; it’s simple and plain.” Anita takes the plate and says, “This is mine; you already had nine sandwiches before this, and you think it’s less.”

Vibhuti , according to Angoori, is attempting to explain Bluetooth to me. Vibhuti asks him to go and tells Angoori that this is a device that she should put in her ear and connect to her phone. Vibhuti ti begins flirting with her and begins telling her about Bluetooth’s history, as well as making up gibberish for her, and asks her to say “I love you” on her Bluetooth device. Tillu tells Tiwari that Vibhuti informed them they would get food. Angoori invites them to have a seat and informs them that the theme for today is Hindi Alphabets. Saxena responds, “That’s a good idea,” and comes over to Angoori and asks, “May I come in?” Vibhuti says to Angoori Saxena through bluetooth that Master and he are there, scold them in English, and ask her to repeat after him. Vibhuti tells Angoori to tell Tiwari, “You nonsense, why are you making noise in my class? If you don’t stop up, I’ll toss you out.” Aryabhatta, Vibhuti says to her.